How To Manifest
So, you want to know how to use the power of Law of Attraction in order to manifest your desires.
If you aren’t familiar with Law of Attraction, check out my blog post that is a beginner’s guide to LOA.
I also have an Amazon store front where I linked all of my fave Law of Attraction essentials!
I made a YouTube video on how I journal for manifestation!
You can manifest a material item, money, a person, or a personal goal. There are no restrictions or limits on what you can manifest.
I also have a podcast based on my ebook, Becoming an Influencer! I sit down with inspiring professionals, students, CEOs and more, to talk about what it takes to be successful and their journey to becoming an influencer.
How Manifestation Works:
Everything in this world began as a thought. For example, before electricity existed, it was just an idea.
Thoughts become things.
To try and put this simply, everything in our universe is in an energetic field. Every person has an energetic frequency. Every achievement has an energetic frequency. Every item has an energetic frequency. Every thought has an energetic frequency. You get it.
Like energies attract to like energies. So, say you want a new car. You must get your vibrational energy on the same level as a new car!
For example, if you focus on the fact you can not afford a new car with your current situation, you are emitting a low frequency because you are focusing on the negative.
However, if you appreciate the car you have right now and you take good care of your old car as if it’s your new car, you’re raising your vibration to tell the universe you’re ready for this new car and you will be grateful for it! Does that make sense?
The way to have it all is to realize you already do!
I made a video on what Law of Attraction is, and how to use it to manifest your dream life.
Ways to raise your vibration to manifest:
connect with nature
visualize your dream
spreading positivity
eating clean
drink water
The best way to test manifestation is to start with something small to prove to yourself this works.
I suggest starting out by focusing on manifesting $5 or a free cup of coffee. Acknowledge the small manifestations to get
If you want to learn more about manifesting, check out my new post answering questions about manifesting!
How To Manifest
Get clear on what you want
The more clear and specific you get on what you want from the universe, the faster you’ll see results.
The universe is very literal. If you say something broad like, “I want to manifest money,” then the universe can send you a penny or a couple of bucks because that’s money.
However, when you focus on asking for a specific amount like $500, the universe knows how much money to send you.
2. Ask for what you want
I suggest writing down in a journal exactly what you want. Journaling is a great way to get clear on what your desire is.
Always talk in the present tense, even when asking for your desire.
When you are asking for your desires, state them as present tense as if you already have it.
“I am so grateful for my $500.”
“I am so grateful for my new white car with tan interior.”
“I am so grateful for my blog being my full-time job.”
By stating your desires in the present tense, you tell the universe it belongs to you already, so the universe will figure out how to get it to you.
You can also do affirmations. If you want to learn more about affirmations you can read my blog post about them here.
3. Gratitude
Gratitude is the biggest component of manifestation. If you are not grateful for what you already have, the universe won’t send you more! What’s the point of rewarding someone that takes their life for granted.
Being grateful for everything and everyone around you opens you up to receive MORE! The positive energetic frequency that comes from gratitude is what attracts high-vibe manifestations to occur.
I will make a whole post about gratitude, but in the meantime, here are some ways to practice gratitude:
write down at least 10 things a day you’re grateful for
send a handwritten note to someone telling them you appreciate them
acts of service
verbally thanking the universe
tell someone you’re grateful for them
You can read my blog post on gratitude here.
4. Visualization
Visualizing your dream life, or the specific thing you’re trying to manifest will help create it in your physical reality.
It is best to visualize yourself with your desire. See what you’re wearing when you get it. Where are you? What does it look like? How do you feel?
When you feel the feeling of your desire, it attracts it to you!
People also visualize with meditation, Pinterest boards, and physical vision board.
5. Let go and believe
The only way all of the above steps will work is if you truly believe in the power of manifestation/ the universe. Have faith that your dreams are on your way to you.
Let go of expectations, time frames, and control of the process. The point is trusting the universe to do the work for you. You do not figure out “how” these things will come to you or happen.
Lastly, take inspired action. If the universe has to send you a specific desire, it has to send it to you in unique ways.
Look out for random phone calls, coincidences, opportunities, or connections. Trust your gut if you feel urged to do something!
I am currently using this Law of Attraction Planner. It helps you manifest your goals while also being a planner. It has worksheets, law of attraction road maps and gratitude exercises!
I also use the Artist of Life Workbook by Lavendaire that helps direct your life to achieve your goals through prompts and goal trackers.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out my other blog posts on Law of Attraction.
Amanda Jewell