333 Manifestation Journal Prompt

I am sharing with you a 333 manifestation journal prompt today! It is super easy and rather quick, but can have a profound impact on your life.

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333 is an angel number. When you look up it’s meaning, there are many different interpretations. However, the underlying theme of them all is that your spirit guides are supporting you and protecting you!

For this journal prompt, you. will write down 3 things you are grateful for because gratitude attracts abundance. Plus, it is a great way to boost your mood!

Next, write down 3 things you want to manifest. Only write down 3 so that you can focus your energy to these things!

Finally, write down 3 affirmations. You can make up your own, or find some on pinterest! I suggest reading all of these aloud.

That’s it! Repeat this whenever you want to. It is a great way to get clear on what you want and to raise your vibration.

To learn more about journaling for manifestation, check out my other blog posts!


If you like to watch journaling videos, check out my journaling video!