Work From Home Essentials

Ever since last spring, I have been doing college virtually from home, as well as working from home now that I am an intern. I have compiled all of the items that make my work from home experience possible! Think of this as your WFH starter pack.

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The Nespresso Vertuo has quite literally changed my life. I invested in this coffee machine, and I’ve been able to save money now that I don’t go to Starbucks every day! I can now make my own lattes. Game changer. I genuinely look forward to waking up the next morning for my coffee!

I stare at a screen all day now.. sometimes 12 hours in a day. It has started to take a toll on my eyes, so I have been relying on my blue light glasses! I switch between my retro frames and golden frames- but both of them have helped reduce headaches and help me go to bed earlier.

What screens am I looking at all day? I’m glad you asked, ha! I literally do EVERYTHING on my Macbook pro… Online school (zoom), work, edit youtube, enjoy content, etc. I also use my ipad pro 11 for Procreate, design, and other convenient work!

I recently invested in a brown leather and gold detailed chair! It has helped my back, and comfort by using this office chair. I was using a fold up chair for about a year- but alas- no more!

Every so often I like to work from my bed and this lap table has been sp helpful! You cam move it around anywhere and is super convenient.

My ipad accessories have also been a game-changer. I use the apple pencil for design on my ipad, and the cover I have is very protective and cute with the wildflowers! The case even has a holder for the apple pencil!

I love to set the ambiance and use aromatherapy while working from home! I love to burn soy candles and my favorite relaxing smells are sandalwood and lavender!

Where would I be without my planner… actually, don’t answer that. I rely heavily on my planner to keep up with class, homework, work, deadlines, and more.

Last, but not least: I love my gold scissors and holder. I’m truly living for the gold pieces these days.

I hope this post serves you as inspiration for ways you can amp up your WFH experience!