Manifestation Journal Prompts
Journaling for manifestation is a great way to attract your dream life!
Journaling is the first step of taking your dreams from an intangible concept (an idea), to a physical thing (a written statement).
Gratitude is always the best way to begin your process. Gratitude attracts abundance! The universe cannot reward you with more, until you appreciate what it has already given you.
Find some great journal prompts to manifest, below.
To journal with me, and learn more about how I journal for manifestation, watch the youtube video here!


The Law of Attraction: How to Manifest Your Dreams into Reality
Amanda Saundersmanifestation, manifestations, manifested, how to be successful, how to make a vision board, how to manifest a dream life, how to manifest your dream life, how to manifest, manifest journal, journal, journal prompts, manifestation prompts, journaling for manifestation, manifestation routine, manifestation guide, journaling, law of attraction, law of attraction beginners guide1 Comment