What Are Affirmations and How To Use Them

Hello Jewells! Happy NewYear.

2020 has a nice ring to it. So, let’s manifest our best life!

I have put together some of my favorite affirmations I’ve found in books like The Secret Door to Success, The Secret, and You Are a Badass at Making Money.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are repeated positive statements that help transform your circumstances into your aspired reality.

How do affirmations work?

When you consistently repeat affirmations of positivity to yourself, you are imprinting onto your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is extremely powerful. When you repeat affirmations, it tells your subconscious that what you want is already here or on it’s way to you.

Over time you will see how affirmations attract your dream life to you.

Speak affirmations in present tense!

Saying your affirmations in the present tense establishes that you are ready to receive what you desire.

Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between the past and future. It only knows the now. When you say “I am healthy and wealthy,” the subconscious takes that as a command.


Use these affirmations, or create your own! Stay consistent with your affirmations and say them once daily for a week at minimum. The results will come with time and consistency.

As the beginning of a new year, implementing affirmations in your daily routine will transform your life.

Let me know if you end up trying these out or leave a comment of your own affirmations to share!


Amanda Jewell