Law of Attraction for Beginners
If you are reading this now, you attracted this blog post.
When I discovered the power of Law of Attraction, I began manifesting my desires and started to create my dream life. Just this past year I manifested a free trip to Europe which you can read about in my blog post.
I also have a podcast based on my ebook, Becoming an Influencer! I sit down with inspiring professionals, students, CEOs and more, to talk about what it takes to be successful and their journey to becoming an influencer.
I also linked my favorite Law of Attraction essentials on my Amazon store front!
What is Law of Attraction?
Law of Attraction is a universal principle, much like gravity. No matter if you believe in gravity or not, what goes up will come down.
Law of Attraction works this way too. It is always working in the background. However, if you believe in it, you can predict the outcomes (aka get what you desire).
I have a new video out on what law of attraction is and how to manifest your dream life.
Acknowledge / Understand Your Relationship with the Universe
Think of a bad day when you felt like bad things kept on happening. You probably thought to yourself or said aloud “bad things keep happening to me.” And then bad things continued to happen.
Realize your influence on things around you.
When you recognize that what you focus on attracts more of it, you can choose to change your perspective to attract good things to happen to you because:
2. Like Attracts Like
Positive thoughts lead to positive attitudes lead to positive actions lead to positive outcomes.
LOA is what we call the universal power of alike energies attracting each other on the physical plane.
Like attracts like. If you are wanting to attract something with a high vibration, you must raise your vibrations to attract it.
Say you want a new phone, but currently, you don’t have the funds for it. You can not focus on the fact you can not afford it. Instead, you must think and act like someone who has this phone you want.
The following steps are how you can raise your vibration and start manifesting.
3. Have an Internal Locus of Control
There are people with an external locus of control and there are people with an internal locus of control.
External locus of control: people believe the things happening around them affect them internally.
Internal locus of control: people believe the things inside of you cause things to happen around you.
You want to have an internal locus of control. Believe that you have the power to make things happen.
I have an internal locus of control because I know if I put my mind to something, believe in it, and have gratitude then I will attract my desires.
4. Gratitude
Gratitude is the strongest power you have to manifest what you want. Being thankful for what you already have, tells the universe to send more good things your way.
If you are not grateful for what the universe has already given you, big or small, why would the universe want to reward you with more?
You’ll always want more. Be mindful of what you have now so you can continue to expand your blessings.
A great hack is to write down at least 10 things you’re grateful for every morning.
You can read my blog post on gratitude, here.
5. Journaling
Journaling is a great way to get in tune with the universe. Writing down things you are grateful for is a great way to manifest. Additionally, writing down your goals will help you get clear on what you are asking from the universe.
Scripting is a great way to enhance your journaling experience. If you have a dream life or goal, write down what your day would be like. Where would you wake up? How would it make you feel? What does it look like? Does it have a smell? What are you wearing in that moment?
The more clear you can make it, the easier it is for this to happen for you. I have had many things happen for me to where I go back and read my scripting that I made far before said manifestations, and it is crazy how specific things will happen.
Write in the tense of I have or I am, not I want.
I am going to start using this Law of Attraction Planner in 2020.
6. Visualization
Visualizing yourself with your desire, or living your dream life, will speed up the manifestation as well.
You can cut out pictures from magazines to create a vision board that you can hang in your room. Looking at your vision board every day will attract the things on your board to come to fruition.
If you want a vision board on your phone, making a Pinterest board is a great way to do so. Make sure to go back and look at for the same reason as above!
When you wake up or go to sleep, close your eyes and visualize your desires coming to you and feel the feeling you would get if they did.
7. Let Go of the How
It is not up to you to figure out HOW these things will happen. This is why miracles exist, because the universe is who will bring you your desire. It always comes in a unique package. Be conscious of rare opportunities, strange requests, and phone calls from unexpected people.
“How it will happen, how the universe will bring it to you, is not your job or concern. Allow the universe to do it for you. When you are trying to work out the how, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith.” - The Secret
8. Act Like It’s Already Yours
Once you follow all of the above steps, let go of the want and act like you already have it.
Law of attraction has changed my life, and I KNOW it can change yours. Thank you for reading my post about this. If you would like to watch a video on LOA click here.
Get to manifesting!
Amanda Jewell