Full Moon Ritual

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The Full Moon is a representation of completeness. This could mean tying up loose ends, completing a cycle, or feeling complete with your life.

The full moon is a great time to be grateful for what you already have, instead of trying to manifest new desires.

The remaining Full moons are on these dates according to this website:

  • August 3

  • September 2

  • October 1

  • October 31

  • November 30

  • December 30

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Here are things you can do as a Full Moon Ritual:

Clean your space

Tidy up your space and make a special environment for yourself. Light candles, bring out your crystals and make your room aesthetically pleasing to put your spirit at ease. You can read my crystald beginner’s guide here.


Fire represents new energy. By burning candles, palo santo, sage, incense, etc. you are pushing out old stagnant energies.

Let Go

Write down your fears, worries, anxieties, limiting beliefs in your journal and forgive yourself. Forgive those that have hurt you, and let go of the troubles that weigh you down during this full moon. I will link the journal I use in all of my YouTube videos here.

Raise Your Vibration

Everything has energy and energy creates vibrations. Everything in your life has a frequency. Here are some ways you can raise your vibration. You can read more in my blog post on how to manifest!



I love putting on a guided meditation. Meditating is a great medium for universal intelligence to talk to you.

Journal/ Gratitude list

Write down all of your thoughts and what you are thankful for. gratitude is a huge theme for full moons. Journal what you are letting go. Journaling is the best medicine.

I also use the gratitude journal from Alleyoop and religiously use my law of attraction planner!


Close your eyes and visualize your higher self and your dream life. Also think of everything you are currently grateful for.

If you want to know how to make a vision board, I will link my video here.

Grounding with the full moon

Go outside and ground yourself while under the full moon! This could be barefoot in the grass or on the concrete.

Full Moon salt bath

Fill a bath with salt, flowers, herbs, essentials oils, etc. Cleanse yourself and visualize getting out of this bath as a higher version of yourself.

I hope you all have an amazing full moon ritual! Make sure to check out other blog posts while you’re here!


Amanda Jewell