Journaling Prompts for Manifestation

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Hello Jewells! In today’s blog post I am going to be sharing journaling prompts to help you manifest your dreams.

I also have an Amazon store front where I linked all of my favorite Law of Attraction essentials!

I also have an Amazon store front where I linked all of my favorite Law of Attraction essentials!

If you would like to watch the video I made, it is also a real-time journal with me!

I love journaling to help with manifesting. Journaling is the act of making an abstract thought into a thing when you put it on paper. I believe anything is possible.

If you want to learn more about Journaling for Manifestation you can read a previous blog post about it here.

Manifestation Journaling Prompts:

  1. What am I grateful for the God or the Universe has already given me?

  2. What is an ideal/ dream day in my life?

  3. What do I want to manifest and why?

  4. How do I define success?

  5. How can I already see myself as successful?

  6. What activities make me happy / vibrate higher?

  7. What can I forgive myself for that I am still holding on to?

  8. What is holding me back from living my dream life?

  9. How am I bettering myself?

  10. Where do I see myself in 6 months?


I hope these are helpful!

Talk to you soon,

xoxo Amanda Jewell