How To Make a Media Kit

Hello Jewells! In today’s blog post I want to share with you how to make a media kit.

A media kit is your social media resume that you send to brands. Your media kit encompasses everything a brand would need to know about you and your influence.

You can make a media kit no matter what platforms you make content for!

I will give you instructions on how to make a media kit and by the end of this process, you will be able to send it off to brands and get clients!

What Applications to Use

I just recently made my media kit on Canva! It is free and they have so many awesome templates.

You can make your media kit horizontal like a presentation, or you can make a resume style vertical media kit.

I used to have a horizontal media kit. I will share that example below.

I just remade my media kit this week, and I made it vertical this time!

What Should Be in Your Media Kit

Who you are

Make a part of your media kit your bio. Introduce who you are and why you are good at what you do. For example I target the brands as an advertising college student that is also an influencer.

What you do

List the services that you do! Include photography, modeling, blogging, videography, vlogging, graphic design, speaking gigs, TikTok, etc.

Pictures of you

Include pictures of your influencer work. Such as previous brand work, or if you are just getting started put your most influencer pictures.

Your website

If you do not have a website, that is okay. BUT, your goal this year should be to make one. It can be as simple as a landing page. However it makes you more credible as a brand.

Your social channels

List your social media channels that you want to use your influence. I list my TikTok, blog, Instagram, and Pinterest. These are platforms I am open to working with brands on.

Your following on the channels

Numbers are very important on media kits. Anything that is quantitative will help you land more clients. Brands want to know your following, your impressions, profile views, etc. I chose just two metrics per media channel on my media kit!

Impressive statistic from your analytics

Either screenshot your impressive analytics from your platforms or just list them. You can see in my above example I screenshotted my YouTube and Instagram analytics that I thought would be most impressive to brands.. However, for the media kit I just made below, I only put one impressive analytic per platform.

List brands you’ve worked with

I put logos of some of the bigger brand names I have worked with as an influencer or a student! Seeing other brands that are familiar will make you seem more credible to a company that doesn’t know you yet.

Target Audience

Put information about your audience. Let them know where your followers are. It is important to a brand to work with influencers that have followings in the countries they are targeting.


I suggest making packages for brands. Having choices makes it more enticing for businesses.


If you want more information on building your brand as an influencer, grab a copy of my ebook: Becoming an Influencer.

I will also be sharing more content on building your brand this month! XOXO Amanda Jewell