How To Become an Influencer

This is the blog post I have been planning to write since… before I wrote my ebook Becoming an Influencer.

In this blog post I want to dive in to how to start optimizing your social media. In other words— How To Be an Influencer.

I also have a podcast based on my ebook, Becoming an Influencer! I sit down with inspiring professionals, students, CEOs and more, to talk about what it takes to be successful and their journey to becoming an influencer.

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What is an Influencer:

a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media

Given that I am an advertising major at The University of Texas at Austin, I am extremely passionate about the future growth of influencer marketing as an industry.

Advertising essentially funds all media platforms. As more advertisements clutter consumers’ feeds, it is becoming increasingly important for brands to reach customers in innovative ways.

User-generated content is extremely valuable to a brand. To have content creators post about your product, brand or service, is an authentic way to reach a new audience.

As this media space becomes increasingly in demand, anyone with a following and ability to create quality content has the potential to be an influencer and can benefit from the perks!

I also made a video on my YouTube channel on How To Become an Influencer!

Who Can Be an Influencer:

Anyone with a passion for content creation or digital marketing can thrive as an influencer. You create a following from your activity online. Whether you're a gamer, YouTuber, blogger, photographer, or an Instagram personality, when you give valuable content to your viewers you gain an influence. People who trust your word or support you will use the products and brands that you mention.

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Without further ado, here is my guide on How To Be an Influencer:

Decide what content you want to make:

Are you writing blogs, making YouTube videos, TikToks, or just Instagram photos? And what is your content about?

It is great to have a niche, and the more narrow your focus, the better you will gain an audience. However, I am the type of person that does not have a narrow niche. Instead, I classify myself as a lifestyle youtuber and blogger. I cover topics from self-care, youtube, law of attraction, etc.

If you have a passion, talent, or skill that you specifically speak into, you are in a great position. Fitness influencers are a great example of a niche. I know of two influencers I can go to right now that I'm sure will give me a new workout to try or a healthy recipe to follow.

If you are a consistent and reliable source for a topic, you will attract a following quicker

Focus on 1-3 platforms

Of course, you can focus on just one platform. I recommend having a few platforms you know how to perform on and focusing on them. It helps to cross-promote your content across different platforms.

However, do not bite off more than you can chew. If you can not stay consistent on X amount of platforms, think about scaling back.

Add value

It took me a long time to understand this principle because I was such a huge fan of comedic YouTubers. I did not understand why my average vlog was not blowing up like some of these trailblazers on YouTube.

However, I found that my audience wants value— and so does yours! People want to know something new, see something from your POV, etc.

So, create content along the lines of “How To ___”. Give your audience articles, Instagram posts, or videos that will help them do better or be better at something in life.

Post consistently

The biggest advice for people starting to grow their influence is by staying consistent. The more consistent the better. So, if that means posting on YouTube every Tuesday, a new blog post ever Friday, or an Instagram post every other day — be consistent.

People want to follow you if they know they are going to get content from you.

Make and schedule content

Along with consistency, start making content and then scheduling out when you post! I also recommend coming up with content ideas in advance so that you always have new content going out.

Make a media kit

As you start growing your audience, you are going to want to optimize it! In my recent blog post: How To Make a Media Kit, you can learn what to put together so that you can email brands to work together!

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Email brands

Once you are confident that you are ready to start leveraging your audience, begin reaching out to brands. I will make a blog post soon about how to work with brands.

Affiliate marketing

This is a huge way that influencers make money. It is also a great example of influencing. When you post about products, linking them for a commission is a great way to profit from your literal influence.

There is SO MUCH more that goes into Influencer Marketing and how to be an influencer, however, to learn more make sure to check out my ebook! I dive deeper into how to grow and optimize your online audience.

Thank you all so much for reading this! I hope it helps and I am excited to share more with you all.