Tips for Online Classes

Hello Jewells! If you are like me, your college classes have become virtual. I am a senior at The University of Texas at Austin majoring in Advertising.

I vlogged my first day of online classes this semester.

To be transparent, I am having a difficult time getting back in the swing of things with everything being virtual. I am someone who learns better in person, just like a majority of you all! I wanted to kick the semester off with sharing a few tips that will help you manage your online classes!

Tips for Online Classes:

  • Get enough sleep before class

  • Get dressed for the day

  • Don’t do school in bed!

  • Designate areas of your house for school

  • Keep your camera on in Zoom class (this makes your teacher not feel so alone, and makes it less likely for you to be on your phone the whole class)

  • Make groupmes or group messages with other students in your class

  • Find other students to hold you accountable for school

  • Write down important dates in your calendar

  • Schedule your week at the beginning of the week

  • Stay in communication with your professors

  • Ask for help when you don’t understand

  • Ask questions/ engage in class

  • Try to care about your grades! Don’t just opt for pass/fail

  • Try to use all the resources of the college even though you are not on campus! (i.e. the library, databases, counseling, etc.)

  • Make time for self-care / an effort to get away from your screens!

I hope these tips help you get motivated and excel at online school. We are all just going with the flow in these unprecedented times!

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel in order to watch my journey of tackling senior year of college at UT Austin online.

I also have an Amazon store front where I linked all of my favorite College Essentials!

I also have an Amazon store front where I linked all of my favorite College Essentials!