Answering Your Questions About Manifestation

1. “How do I journal for manifestation so that they will actually come true?”

I have a whole YouTube video about how to journal for manifestation! I will link it here.

I always advise to journal in a clean environment that passes the vibe check. I like to surround myself with my crystals, put on a frequency on YouTube, and light a candle.

Then I start journaling by listing out what I am grateful for because gratitude attracts abundance. Then I write down my desires/ the things I want to manifest.

Under my desires, I start scripting. I write out my desires as if I am thankful they are already happening. For example “I am so thankful that magazines are featuring me in their articles!”

By writing your desires down in the present tense and expressing gratitude- it will help them manifest into reality!

The book I am reading right now, Think and Grow Rich, talks about how you create the life you want to live. Thoughts become things, so first desire, then ask for it, then wait and receive.

I also have a blog post on how I journal for manifestation!


Remember that human time and universal intelligence’s time are on different scales. So, be patient but truly believe you deserve it!


I made a video on what law of attraction is and how to use it to manifest your dreams.

2. “How is it possible to manifest something physical on my body? For example, how can i physically lose weight just by imagining it?”

You can manifest your looks! I would start by declaring what it is you want. I focused on long hair and a bigger butt. Right it down somewhere that you see it regularly.

Then with time, I acted on inspired action. When you have an uncommon urge to do something, it is usually your intuition telling you to. I had the urge to get a workout membership at Orange Theory. I ended up working out the right areas and grew my booty!

Same thing happened when I got connected with a hair extensions stylist, and I manifested my long hair through extensions.

I would say, when you are trying to change something about your appearance, come at it with a point of love. Do not obsess over losing weight or some attribute. Instead declare it and gradually work towards seeing the results.

3. I have tried videos online to manifest texts for example from certain people, it didn’t work? How do I manifest people?

I think I did something like that before, and ironically it worked. But, I would keep in mind that sometimes it is not in the greater good to manifest who you think you want. So, manifest qualities of a person (musically talented, tall, brown hair) but don’t fixate on one person.

However, I manifested people in my past from writing down in my journal that I wanted them to take me to Prom, on a date, etc.

4. Why does manifesting work for some people and how do they do it? Do they re-write what they want to come true?

Manifesting and speed is all about your vibrational matches. So, some people are manifesting better or quicker because they have raised their vibration to that of their desire!

Ways you can increase your manifestations is to practice increasing your vibration. Below is a graphic I made to suggest ways you can raise your vibe.

This is from my blog post on How To Manifest.

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5. Does manifesting actually work and how can i make it work for me? i watched your video about journaling, do i have to free-write, gratitude list etc? Or will it not work if i don’t do those things?

I have manifested so many things in my life, and so have you. When a thought becomes reality, that is you manifesting. So anytime you have thought in your life that you wanted to do x, y, and z, and it happens: you manifested that.

So, by being conscious of our thoughts and focusing on the positives, we can take control of our lives and attract what we want. Manifesting works all the time. So, it is important to be focusing on good things that you want and not what you don’t want.

Declare what it is you want, believe you can have it, be grateful it is on the way to you, and let go! I know it seems easier said than done but that is the formula.

I also believe you can find what journaling methods work for you! However, I promise staying grateful and dedicating time to acknowledge your blessings will speed up your manifestation.

6. What are affirmations and how do i do them to make them work?

I have a whole blog post on affirmations! I will link it here.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are repeated positive statements that help transform your circumstances into your aspired reality

I recommend creating your own affirmation in the present tense (or follow one you like from Pinterest).

So them in the mirror or just out loud every day and try to believe them! Below are some affirmations from my blog post.


I hope these answers help at least one person! Thank you for the gal that sent me these questions!

Check out my other content if you want more information!

I have a video coming out on my YouTube channel about Law of Attraction! Subscribe to know when it is post.


Amanda Jewell

Hello! I have a podcast based on my ebook, Becoming an Influencer! I sit down with inspiring professionals, students, CEOs and more to talk about what it takes to be successful and their journey to becoming an influencer.