How to Balance School, Work, Passions, and a Social Life in College

We are all looking for that special equation that helps us balance everything in our life: school, work, family, health, passions, and a social life. Unfortunately there is no equation, however, I have figured out ways to help me ~kinda~ balance it all while in college.

1. School

My grandpa finds every opportunity to remind me that my number 1 job is being a student. First of all, you are paying a lot of money (or debt) to be there. So, be there. Education is power and is a great tool for success. So, make sure you are planning everything else around school.

At the beginning of every semester, I like to look at all of my classes syllabi and put project due dates and exam dates in my calendar. This way I can see on paper how much school-work load I will have for the semester. I also set a GPA goal for the semester, my goals are either “4.0” or “plz just pass”. Lol.

Every week I make a to-do list and put all of my obligations in my planner (i.e. class times, homework, studying or professor office hours.) This helps me get a feel for the week and get an idea for how much time I have for other things.

2. Work

Being a student is a full time job in itself. However, like most college students I also have a part time job, I am a Student Marketeer for Red Bull. . I work any where from 16-24 hours a week and around 30+ hours during crazy events like ACL, SXSW, or Moto GP. So, I have to schedule out my weeks in advance to make sure I can balance it all.

Luckily, my job allows me to put my unavailability in the system. So, I always tell work I cannot work on days I have class, or at least until an hour after my last class. Working keeps me be productive even when I am not doing it school. However, it can be a nice escape from schoolwork.

I also always schedule off the night before a test! Having all of my test dates already in my calendar is helpful when putting in my availability for work before my boss makes the schedule.

3. Family

Being away at college can make balancing family time with all the other components of college life, a difficult task. You can’t just go to dinner at your grandparents house at your leisure. So, you have to make sure you are reaching out as often as you can. This is something I have always struggled with. I think about my parents and my grandparents all day everyday. No joke. However, since I think about them so much I often times forget to call, as reverse as that sounds.

So, my tip is to write on your planner times you are going to call your parents and your grandparents. This way you will make sure to call them, and if they call you during the week, that’s a bonus! My family has the habit of missing me but not calling me because they don’t want to bother me! So sweet but also means I have to make sure I am communicating with them.

Any excuse is a good excuse to take the weekend to go home and visit your family (and friends). If you’re feeling homesick, or you have an extra day off class, plan a trip home for a couple of days.

Another tip is to send your family a note! I love randomly writing notes to my family and sending them in the snail mail.

4. Health

My health has become one of my main priorities over the past couple of years. I have become aware of how precious good health is. Earlier this summer I started regularly working out, and even joined a work out class. I suggest this for someone who wants to push themselves and hold themselves accountable. Personally, I don’t push myself at the gym and used to hate cardio. Now, I can finally run a mile (or 3).

Instead of thinking of working out as a chore, I see it as an outlet to release stress.

I also make sure to eat 2-3 times a day. I know you would think that is rhetorical but I can get so bust that I FORGET to eat!

MENTAL HEALTH IS WEALTH! I have to be very on top of my mental health at school. I can let myself get very stressed out about school, work, family, etc. that I find myself needing a reset. In times like this I like to journal, go outside, take a bath or do a face mask. I have a self care routine on my YouTube you can watch it here.

5. Passions

On top of all the above. I also have to balance my passions like modeling, photography, blogging and YouTube. To be honest I am always trying to get better. Some days I am kicking ass and other days I am severely neglecting parts of my life.

I like to plan content in advance. Having projects in the works helps me push the content out. I also like to cross pollinate my content. So, I might write a blog post over the same topic as a YouTube video. This way I have two content pieces going out together that will be interconnected. I will film my week in my life at college. This was I am doing school while also getting content.

I usually keep my photoshoots on the weekends to ensure I don’t have class. After I shoot, I try to edit ASAP.

6. Social Life

When I left Texas Tech, I left behind my party girl identity. I used to frequent tailgates and themed frat parties, however, since transferring to UT Austin, my social life looks a bit different.

I balance a social life by being productive with friends. I will ask a buddy to do homework with me at a coffee shop, or grab food before a study sesh.

Most of my friends are creatives now, so, we will go to art events together or do a photo shoot.

My tip is to find people with similar goals so that your time being social is also productive.

Balance isn’t a state. It is a practice. Don’t beat yourself up. Schedule things in your planner. Listen to your needs. Take deep breaths. Go for a walk. Read a book. Journal. Call your mom. Text your best friend. Take a picture. Edit a video. Write an article. Workout. Take a bath. Put on a face mask. Do your homework. Love yourself.


Amanda Jewell

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New Vlog is up on my channel about Getting My Life Together for College. Click the button to watch now!