How To Work From Home

In this interesting time in history, many of us are working from home or in unconventional environments that we are not used to.

I know for me, I attend The University of Texas at Austin and starting March 30, 2020, my classes will be all virtual and I will work remote from my grandparent’s home in DFW. For others, this is the same story or they are in the workforce and they are working from home as well.

All this being said, here are some tips on working from home that will help smooth your transition!

Wake Up Early

Productively speaking, waking up earlier will allow you to get more done in a day. When you wake up earlier and get to work, you will get more done as your brain is fresh and not exhausted from decision making. I know specifically for me if I wake up later than 10 am I feel disappointed in myself by 3PM.

My goal is to wake up from 8 am - 9am every school/ workday while working from home.

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Have a Morning Routine

Having a morning routine is crucial to success. It reduces decision fatigue as mentioned above. Decision fatigue is simply defined as deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making.

When you wake-up and know exactly what to do, it gets the ball rolling on productivity. Here is my morning routine:

  • wake-up at 8-9 am

  • make the bed

  • take shower or wash face

  • skincare

  • brush teeth

  • make-up & hair

  • get dressed for the day

  • drink water

  • eat breakfast

  • coffee

  • get to work!

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Get Dressed For The Day

Even though we are working from home, getting out of the clothes you slept in and putting on clothes for the day will tell your brain that you are not lounging and you mean business!

Putting on some makeup and doing your hair will also motivate you to be more productive, at least for me!

I just uploaded 7 Outfits for At Home Work, Comfort and Play to my YouTube Cahnnel.

Have a Designated Work Space


It might seem easy to just prop up your laptop in bed and work in the comfort of your mattress. However, scientifically it confuses your brain. Later in the day when you want to sleep… your brain will think it is time to work.

With that being said, designate a work space in your home. I will be organizing my own desk in the office at my grandparent’s house. When I sit down at my desk, I know it is time for WORK! This also tells others in your household that when you are at your desk you are working and do not disturb, please.

Create a Work Schedule

I’m sure your days will vary some, however, creating a work schedule will keep you disciplined and help you feel structured. Decide your work schedule, are you working 9 am - 5 PM. 10am- 3 PM? Then, do your best to stick with your schedule!

Disconnect from the News and Social Media

Put away your phone and turn off the news. Disconnect from these distractions. It will help you stay motivated and allow for more productivity.

Make Lists

Lists are the best. I love being able to cross off a completed task. Write down (or digitally create) a list of everything you need to do today, this week, etc.

Use Your Calendar

I love being able to look at my calendar and have due dates organized for school projects, campaigns, and other important reminders.

When everything being remote, it is more important than ever to be organized and take advantage of scheduling your important deadlines.

Stay Hydrated and Don’t Forget to Eat

Drink water! Keep yourself hydrated for health and brainpower. Plus, don’t forget to eat. I am guilty of feeling inconvenienced by food when I have so much to do. However, to take care of your health and brain, make sure you are eating aw well.


Everyone you are working with or your schoolmates are all working remote too, no? So, communicate! I have group projects and we will be using Zoom, Slack, Group FaceTime, and Google Drive to stay connected and get our work done.

Don’t Work All Day!

Like I mentioned earlier, set a schedule and stick to it! Don’t just work all day because your home is your office. Create barriers for yourself.

Self Care

And of course, make sure you are taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I will link my self-care routine here!

We will get through these times, no doubt! Use this time to discipline yourself and be productive despite your circumstances. I love you all!

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I also made a YouTube video on this topic!


Amanda Jewell