How To Help The Wildfires in the Amazon

Hearing the news about the insane amount of wildfires in the Amazon rainforest has been heart breaking.

This is not a national problem, this is a global crisis.

As a person who feels deeply for the earth and the future of humanity, I wanted to figure out how I could help this devastation.

I have researched a list of charities that are actively helping with the ongoing disaster.

Reasons This Affects All of Us

  • The Amazon produces 20% of the Earth’s oxygen

  • The wildfires will disrupt our production of oxygen

  • Earth’s delicate elemental balance will be threatened

  • The amazon is home to 30+ million people and millions of plant and animal species, most still un-described

  • Loss of indigenous land

  • 80% increase in deforestation has occurred so far this year compared to last year

Amazon rainforest is referred to as "the planet's lungs."

Charities to donate to:

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Trust

Amazon Charity Association

Amazon Watch

Photo by: Mohsin Kazmi

Photo by: Mohsin Kazmi

Things We Can Do Right Now:

  • Reduce meat consumption (it’s all interconnected and there are articles on WHY our meat consumption affects the wildfires

  • Donate

  • Share it on social media! Repost tweets, Instagram pictures, Fascebook articles, etc.

  • Share this blog post with your friends and family!

  • Buy Rainforest Alliance approved products to protect from deforestation

This affects us all. Thank you for reading. Please do what you can!